Corpus Christi Chapel

Fraudulent emails

Always be aware that false emails are occasionaly sent out pretending to be representatives of known organizations to which people belong. 

Recently a fraudulent email was sent out using my name (Jonathan Romanoski), with a fictitious email address of frrcorp****ristifssp@gmail attempting to contact some of our parishioners. Please disregard it. Our official emails are listed on our website- with the ip address as, fr.r or fr.d We also use [email protected] or [email protected] at times in personal communications. Please feel free to contact us at those or call us to verify if there is ever any doubt. 

So please, disregard emails not sent from those email addresses, and obviously the only legitimate way to donate online is through the offical stripe link on our website which goes directly to our parish bank account. 

Published on February 22nd, 2021. Exipred 1138 days ago.