Corpus Christi Chapel

Holy Week 2022

Mr. Toan Cao, a Fraternity Seminarian in his fourth year of studies, will be assisting at Corpus Christi for Holy Week and Easter. Please introduce yourselves.

Many of the Masses during Holy Week are Solemn and require both priests, confessions will not be available during these solemn ceremonies. Please, do not plan on going to Confession during the 4:30pm Mass on Palm Sunday or the Triduum (Holy Thursday to Easter Vigil). Confessions will be heard on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday during the 5:15pm Mass at St. Agnes.  

Attending the Easter Vigil Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation. One would not be required to attend another Mass on Easter Sunday morning, but you are certainly welcome to do so.

There is a tradition of special Easter blessings of food. Anyone who would like to have Easter food blessed (lamb or other meats, eggs, bread, fruit, cheese, Easter baskets, etc.) should bring them to the confessional after Mass on the Easter Vigil or Easter Sunday. Traditionally, this newly blessed food is eaten at the Easter breakfast after Mass

All Catholics are reminded of the Precept of the Church to receive Holy Communion during the time of Easter each year. This must be done sometime between Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday. Of course, this must be done in the State of Grace so regardless of any reason one might not have been receiving Holy Communion now is the time to correct the situation, make a good confession if necessary and fulfill this Precept which binds all Catholics under the pain of mortal sin.

Published on April 9th, 2022. Exipred 742 days ago.