Corpus Christi Chapel

Pro-Life Coordinator for Corpus Christi Chapel Karen Foss

My husband Bill, an Army Veteran and I have been married for over 33 years. This past year, as an Archery Instructor at a San Diego, Ca., High School, our Team took First Place in the district and we won Sixth Place at Nationals. Prior to that I was a Financial Planner in San Diego where we were both born and raised.  Three months ago, we moved to Naples from San Diego where we were parishioners at St. Anne, FSSP.   Fr. Lyons would lead us in the Latin rosary every Tuesday in front of Planned Parenthood. We were met with incredible hostility but were successful because P.P. had such a DECREASE in abortions, they invented a new evil way to make money by offering sex change hormones to anyone, even children.  Changing hearts and minds with hopeful help for pregnant women in crisis is working. The P.P. here in Naples CLOSED down but has recently opened again, now offering the chemical abortion pill.  The 40 Days for Life Campaign is working, Sidewalk Advocates are working, your prayers and sacrifices are working.  Together, we can continue to save precious lives in Christ's love.   

Published on November 24th, 2023. Exipred 296 days ago.