Corpus Christi Chapel

November 2nd- SPECIAL- All Souls Day: Mass Schedule

Saturday, November 2nd, although not a day of obligation, is an important day in which we pray for our dearly beloved faithful departed, so important that the Church allows all priests to offer 3 masses that day. 
We will offer 3 consecutive low masses from 6:45 am - 8:15 am, and a Solemn High Mass at 4:30 pm, all at St. Agnes, chapel. 
NOTA BENE- There will also be a mini-marathon on the grounds of St. Agnes that morning from 7-8am, whereby one will not be enter the parking lot after 7am, and only leave carefully if leaving before 8am. So all the more reason to stay for the 3 consecutive masses for the faithful departed. 

Published on October 25th, 2019. Exipred 1657 days ago.