Corpus Christi Chapel

Changes in our apostolate; priestly transfers

Every year with the harvest of new priests ordained, the North American District expands to reach more souls throughout the continent. Accordingly there are priest transfers every year to fulfill these new apostolic needs. 

Fr. Josh Passo, who has been assigned as assitant to our Corpus Christi apostolate since its inception in 2017, will be transferred to our apostolate in Arkansas, where he will be working on founding a second apostolate in the diocese. 

Although the news is sad for us who have been the beneficiaries of his great priestly dedication to the sanctification of our souls these last 3 years, we should be happy for him in this promotion towards becoming a pastor, and happy to see the work of our Fraternity expand to new souls who will receive a full time FSSP apostolate as we did here. Such is the nature of our apostolic work, in imitation of Our Lord and the apostles who after founding a community, continued on to found yet more. 

It is a time for us to remember that behind every priest is Christ the High Priest, who remains with us always, giving us what he knows we need, even if at times it is not what we prefer; and that here we have no lasting home, but sojourn as pilgrims towards our eternal, heavenly home. That which most gladdens the heart of a priest, is to see the his flock put it into practice that which he has taught them, to show that they have understood that their greatest desire was to lead and attach them to Christ and not their own particular personality. Such is the spirituality of the priest who acts in persona Christi.

We should also consider it a compliment to our community which has been so supportive of him in prayer and faithful in following his good teachings in word and example, which is thus left spiritually well established, and ready to receive another younger priest to serve in his stead as assistant. 

The transfers are effective as of July 1st. Stay tuned for more details regarding any going away party. Otherwise please thank our good Father Passo for his 3 years of dedicated service to our community, and promise him your prayers for the success of the new endeavor Our Lord asks him to undertake.  

Other changes in the district involve:

Fr. Dupre, pastor of our parish church of Christ the King, will be transferred to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 

Fr. Hathaway will take over as pastor of Christ the King. 

Fr. Chris Mahowald will be assigned as the new assistant of Christ the King. 

Fr. Anthony Dorsa will be assigned as the new assistant of Corpus Christi Chapel

Published on June 12th, 2020. Exipred 1387 days ago.