Corpus Christi Chapel

Christ is Risen Alleluia!

Christ is risen Alleluia! He hath truly risen Alleluia!

Wishing all members of Corpus Christi Chapel a very Blessed and Happy Easter and Paschal Season- 50 days of joy reaping the fruits of 40 days of sacrifice. In Christ we have the victory over the world, the flesh and the devil. Death has been swallowed up in victory. Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat! 

Live the Resurrection of Christ during this most holy and joyful season by following and meditating on the sacred liturgy- the "source and summit of our Christian life."  

Yours in the Risen Christ, 

Fr. Romanoski FSSP & Fr. Dorsa FSSP

Published on April 3rd, 2021. Exipred 1068 days ago.