Corpus Christi Chapel

New Data Base for Corpus Christi Chapel

On the occasion of our Patronal Feast, Corpus Christi, we would like to announce our new Chapel database. We are hoping to every parishioner will participate. We would like to know about your talents and potential contributions to our new parish home. When we move into the new Church, which hopefully will be soon, we will need landscapers, maintenance personnel, painters, people to help clean, iron, sew, you name it! If you are interested in security systems, if you own a car dealership, if you would like to teach a subject to homeschoolers, etc. we would like to know. We would like to know about your interests, hobbies, talents, and any way you, friends and family would be willing to contribute to the glory of God's House and the well-being of our parish family. 

Please follow the link here and answer a few brief questions. Thank you for your willingness to help beautify God's House and grow Corpus Christi Chapel!

Published on June 10th, 2023. Exipred 610 days ago.