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Current Announcements
Priestly transfers
This year in addition to the five new priests ordained, we also reached a milestone in our growth in North America as a Priestly Fraternity, moving up administratively from the level of a District to a Province. Accordingly there are priest transfers every year to fulfill these new apostolic needs.
Fr. Anthony Dorsa, who was assigned as assitant to our Corpus Christi apostolate since last year, will be transferred to our headquarters where he amongst other tasks will help with administrative tasks including overseeing the media and missions development of our Fraternity throughout the Province.
Although the news is sad for us who have been the beneficiaries of his great priestly dedication to the sanctification of our souls, ever friendly companionship, and talented service, over the last year, and although we wish we could have him longer, we should rejoice to see the work of our Fraternity expand to a new level and our dear vicar promoted to such a level of responsibility at the service of the whole province. Such is the nature of our apostolic work, in imitation of Our Lord and the apostles who after serving a community, continued on to found yet more.
It is a time for us to remember that behind every priest is Christ the High Priest, who remains with us always, giving us what he knows we need, even if at times it is not what we prefer; and that here we have no lasting home, but sojourn as pilgrims towards our eternal, heavenly home. That which most gladdens the heart of a priest, is to see the his flock put it into practice that which he has taught them, to show that they have understood that their greatest desire was to lead and attach them to Christ and not their own particular personality. Such is the spirituality of the priest who acts in persona Christi.
We should also consider it a compliment to our community which has been so supportive of him in prayer and faithful in following his good teachings in word and example, which in spiritually good condition is ready to receive another young priest to serve in his stead as assistant.
The transfers are effective as of August 1st. Stay tuned for more details regarding any farewell parties. Our new assistant will be announced as soon as the diocese confirms it.
In the meantime please thank our good Father Dorsa for his wonderful year of dedicated service to our community, and promise him your prayers for the success of the new endeavor Our Lord asks him to undertake.
Seasonal Mass Time Change- Fort Myers- 12pm as of July 4th
A further reduction in seasonal masses at the Church of the Resurrection, Fort Myers, will move our Latin Mass to 12pm beginning Sunday, July 4.
Adoration at St. Agnes
As the offices of St. Agnes will be closed on Monday, there will be no exposition of the Blessed Sacrament that day. It will resume in the chapel from 9am - 5pm starting Tuesday.
Extra 4pm and Sung masses this week
This Tuesday and Friday feasts of Sts. Peter and Paul, and the Visitation, respectively, there will be a low mass at 4pm and a Sung Mass at 515pm.
There will also be a Sung Mass on Thursday for the Feast of the Precious Blood at 515pm
Adoration resumes in main church this week
Beginning this Monday, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will resume at St. Agnes in their main church (just for this week), from 9am - 5pm. Benediction will be imparted at 5pm.
There will be no adoration this Tuesday.
FSSP North American Provincial Chapter- Fr. Romanoski away; Fr. Heinricy substituting
Given the continued fruitful growth of the North American District of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, now numbering over 100 priests in Canada and the Unites States, it will be elevated to the higher administrative level of a Province on July 1st. A meeting of elected delegates follows until July 10th to discuss and decide policies and organization for this next stage of our development.
We ask for your prayers during this time of important deliberations.
Fr. Romanoski was elected to the provincial chapter and will be away for these dates. Please direct any ordinary pastoral questions to Fr. Dorsa, though Fr. Romanoski can be reached by phone or email as needed.
Fr. Heinricy FSSP, a classmate of Fr. Dorsa's and currently assigned to our apostolate in Kansas City, will be substituting for Fr. Romanoski while away.
Welcome Fr. Krager; Extra Mass on June 24th, Feast of St. John the Baptist
We welcome Fr. Krager, who visited our apostolate in 2019 as a seminarian and was ordained a priest in 2020. He will be helping Fr. Dorsa this week while Fr. Romanoski is away.
There will be an additional mass at 4pm on Thursday, Feast of St. John the Baptist.
4:00 pm- low mass
5:15 pm- sung mass
No adoration in St. Agnes Chapel through another week, resuming Monday, June 28
Due to continued work on the floor of their main church St. Agnes will continue to need use of the chapel during the day for daly masses and other ceremonies, thus suspending adoration for another week. It will resume again on June 28 from 9am to 5pm.
Visit of Newly Ordained Priest- Fr. Thu Truong FSSP, Tuesday Mass 4pm- St. William
Fr. Thu Truong FSSP, ordained on May 28th, 2021 in Lincoln, Nebraska, will be visiting our apostolate to offer a Solemn High Mass at St. William Catholic Church on Tuesday, June 8th at 4:00pm, accompanied by a dozen of our seminarians. He will impart his blessing before and after Mass for those who would like to receive it.
No adoration June 3-11; Return to one daily Mass for summer at 5:15; Additional 4pm on certain feast days
St. Agnes will suspend adoration in the chapel from June 3rd through 11th, due to floor polishing, resuming daily on June 13th from 9am-5pm.
As there are no longer restrictions on capacity in the chapel, and less faithful in attendance during the summer months, our daily mass will return to the 5:15pm time slot, with the 4:00pm slot being suspended starting June 7th. Adoration will continue in the chapel until 5pm when Benediction will be imparted Monday-Friday (when adoration resumes on the 13th).
We will have an additional 4pm mass on feast days to accomodate the larger numbers in attendance on those days, which are currently planned for:
June 11 (Fri), 24 (Thu), 29 (Tue),
July 2 (Fri),
Aug 6 (Fri).