Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:
The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.
Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)
Current Announcements
Daily Masses at 4pm and 5:15pm
With the arrival of our new assistant and our the increase of faithful assisting at daily mass, given the current restriction of 90 people in the chapel at St. Agnes, we will resume 2 daily masses, Monday-Friday at St. Agnes (chapel) at 4pm and 5:15pm, until further notice. It is not necessary to sign up for these masses, unless otherwise noted for a special feast day.
Imposition of Brown Scapular after Mass at 4pm and 515pm- Thursday, July 16 (please sign up for 515pm sung mass)
The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, will be blessed and imposed after the 4pm low mass and 515 sung Mass (please sign up to attend) in Her honor this Thursday, July 16th, for all those who have never before received the imposition (once received, the enrollment lasts for life). For those who cannot receive it on Tuesday, please let the priests know on Sunday after Mass. Learn more about this gift from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel at
We welcome Fr. Anthony Dorsa FSSP to Corpus Christi Chapel
Fr. Anthony Dorsa is from San Antonio, Texas. He was ordained a priest on the feast of St. Philip Neri May 26th, 2017 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Originally discerning a Franciscan vocation in his teenage years, it wasn’t until his later teens that he discovered the richness and beauties of the traditional Latin liturgy. It was here that he began to discern a vocation to the priesthood centered on the perennial treasures of the Church's liturgy. Soon he found out about the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and entered Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in September of 2010. Before Seminary Fr. Dorsa was a full time Cook for a gambit of cuisines and a hobbyist classical violinist, playing concerts even in Austria and the Czech Republic.
Fr. Dorsa is finishing the screening procedures for working in the diocese and should be available for public masses and confessions this Tuesday or Wednesday. He will not be present at this Sunday's masses
Latest update on Building Fund
Funds for your future parish home continue to grow, thanks to your generosity.
As of June 30th our current total is 1,504,054, which is an increase of over 1 million dollars in less than a year after announcing the approval for the project! The building fund accrues a 3.25% interest, and all donations go un-taxed, exclusively to that goal. Please visit and share our web page with updates on the project and goals.
Quarterly breakdown will be published soon
Quarterly Stats of Mass Attendance and Registrations (April-June)
Despite the hiatus from public masses, we still received 14 new household registrations over the last 3 months (April-1, May-3, June-10).
And despite the restrictions on mass attendance, with the addition of a 4th Sunday Mass at St. William's, and the use of the main church at Resurrection, our June average is equal to what it was last year (Naples- 224, Fort Myers- 119)
Reminder to come early to Mass for Confession this week
A reminder that Fr. Romanoski is alone this week, until the new assistant Fr. Dorsa arrives on Friday. Confessions will be heard before mass and by appointment, but not during mass. From Monday - Friday there will only be one mass at 515pm.
Sung Mass this Sunday (June 28) at 4:30pm- St. WIlliam; Monday 5:15pm- Sung Mass Sts. Peter and Paul
This Sunday will be Fr. Passo's last Sunday Sung Mass whereby it will be celebrated at St. William's at 4:30pm to provide a larger venue with more seating. No need to sign up as the church at half capacity provides space for more than 400 people.
The 8:45am Mass at St. Agnes will be a low Mass.
Fr. Passo will also celebrate a Sung Mass on Monday, June 29th, for Sts. Peter and Paul at St. Agnes, chapel at 5:15pm. This is his last scheduled public Mass. One must sign up for that Mass as there is still a limit of 90 people in the chapel.
Schedule of daily Masses for from 6.29-7.11
As Fr. Passo departs on July 1st, and Fr. Dorsa arrives on July 10th, we will return to the sole 5:15pm Mass from July 2nd onward. As the chapel fits 90 people at 50% capacity, there will be plenty of room for our normal weekday mass attendance.
6.28- Sunday- 7:15am (low), 8:45am (low), 12:30 (Resurrection), 4:30pm (sung- St. William)
6.29- Monday- 4pm (low), 5:15pm (sung)- Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul
6.30- Tuesday- 4pm (low), 5:15pm (low)
7.1- Wednesday- 4pm (low), 5:15pm (sung)- Feast of the Precious Blood
7.2- Thursday- 5:15pm
7.3- Friday- 5:15pm
7.4- Saturday- 7:30am
7.5- Sunday- 7:15am (low), 8:45am (sung), 12:30 (Resurrection), 4:30pm (St. WIlliam)
7.6-7.10 Monday-Friday - 5:15pm
7.11- Saturday- 7:30am
Latest instructions from the diocese- no Sunday obligation through Sept 1
Please read the complete letter from our Bishop here:
His Excellency, Bishop Frank Dewane has decided to extend the dispensation for the Diocese of Venice from attending Sunday Mass through September 1, at which time it will be reevaluated.
He likewise repeats the instruction that the faithful are to wear masks while at Mass to take greater precaution of avoiding any spreading of virus to one´s neighbor at this time.
Again, anyone who is at risk, vlunerable, sick, are encouraged to stay home and sanctify the day as best one can- e.g. watching a livemass transmission, praying the rosary, etc.
Our priests are available for any personal pastoral attention one might need.
Sunday masses celebrated in the main churches at Resurrection and St. William have plenty of space to spread out. Likewise masses during the week at St. Agnes average around 40-50 in attendance, which one can freely attend instead of Sunday mass which is not obliging at this time.
External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart this Sunday
The External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart will be celebrated at all our Masses on Sunday, June 21st, so that all who could not come last Friday may not miss this great Feast day, which is celebrated with the same propers as on the feast, and the recitation of the Act or Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus after each mass. Benediction will be given at the end of the 845am Sunday Mass as well,