Corpus Christi Chapel

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The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.

Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)

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Current Announcements

Confessions this Friday, April 3rd, at St. Agnes, 4:30pm-6pm

2020-04-03 UPDATE:

Dear Corpus Christi Chapel faithful,

This update is just to confirm that we will be available for confessions this evening at St. Agnes, outside from 4:30pm-6:00pm (or later, until all have finished).

  • All must remain in their cars until it is their time to approach for confession. This will ensure prudent physical distancing proper to the health precautions being taken at this time and the protection of the seal of confession. KIDS may NOT play outside, nor adults congregate to chat.
  • Instructions will be given there as to how to proceed. Please stay in "line/order" in your cars until it is your turn to come out.
  • Both Father Passo and Fr. Romanoski will be available for confession.
  • As there may be those who feel a greater need for confession at this time, please be mindful of the precedence that needs to be given to such souls. Likewise, be mindful to keep your confession focused on the matter proper to the sacrament- sins one has voluntarily committed, and if mortal in species and number. Remember that the obligation to attend mass on Sundays was lifted mid-March and no other specific substitute, like hearing Mass on Sunday online is binding under pain of sin.
  • (N.B.- obviously when there is a practical impossibility/inconvenience, one can fulfill one's First Friday or First Saturday devotion at the next convenient time).
  • Any need for advice, counsel, time to talk can easily be done at another time with us by phone or private appointment.
  • We are glad that the civil order respects "religious services" as essential to peoples' needs, and will try to plan what we can given our limited possibilities while not having our own place. Please stay tuned to the websit for any forthcoming announcements.
  • But as it is deemed prudent to avoid social gatherings anyway, we have been very happy to receive and will continue to receive you by appointment as a family or as individuals for any sacramental needs you fell you may have. Just call either one of us and we will arrange the details as is most convenient for you.

At your service,
In the Sorrowful Heart of Mary, to whom we unite our Lenten sacrifices,
Fr. Romanoski FSSP & Fr. Passo FSSP

~ ~ ~

Dear Corpus Christi Chapel faithful, 

I pray that you are all well in soul and body, growing in God's never failing grace by much prayer and penance in this holy season of Lent. Indeed the best penances are those we do not to choose and which challenge us more deeply, as we now contemplate in the life of the dearly beloved Son of God during Passiontide.

As there have been changing guidelines in the past two weeks, it has been difficult to schedule anything publicly, especially since we don't have our own church to work out of. But, barring any proximate changes beyond our control, this Friday, April 3rd, we will make the sacrament of confession available at St. Agnes from 4:30pm-6:00pm, for those who would like.

The current guidelines for any public confessions are that they are to take place outside while maintaining appropriate distancing to avoid any possible spreading of germs. Please follow the instructions that we give when you arrive so as to avoid forming lines, remaining in your cars when you arrive until it is your turn to approach for confession. At present we have no practical way of distributing Holy Communion publicly, without having our own church to use for it. We just hope and pray that these prudential, temporary sacrifices of avoiding public gatherings, will ensure that things return more speedily to normal operations in our spiritual and civil family.

"Let nothing disturb thee,

Nothing affright thee

All things are passing;

God never changeth;

Patient endurance

Attaineth to all things;

Who God possesseth

In nothing is wanting;

God alone sufficeth." 

St. Theresa of Avila

We likewise have been and remain available by personal appointment. We are always available for any sacramental needs you may have. Please note that many hospitals are not allowing priests into visit the sick, so if you have such an emergency please try to call us first before you are taken to the hospital, if you sense that there is a grave sacramental need. It is always important to know the saving value of and how to make a perfect act of contrition, for which I highly recommend the following "The Golden Key to Paradise- Perfect Contrition" read here;, also on audio here

We likewise hope and pray that you are responding generously to God amidst the challenge he has given us to live an even more spiritual life at this time to be united with Him in the mansion of our soul where He truly dwells in those who love Him and keep His commandments. Although you are physically absent at our masses you are still spiritually united to all of them, which we offer twice daily for you. Pope Pius XII explains this mystical union (Mediator Dei #103) of the Mass as the sacrifice of the whole Christ- that is the whole Mystical Body, whose members we form by baptism, which is offered together with Christ, its head, upon every altar. Thus you, your family, your petitions, your sorrows, your hearts are present with us every time we elevate the Sacred Host in sacrifice- per ipsum et cum ipso et in ipso (through Him, with Him and in Him). We pray that you continue to spiritually unite yourself with all the Masses offered throughout the world through their daily transmission on, and that you continue to grow in grace through these Lenten sacrifices our Lord requests of us, ever mindful that...

"in all these things we overcome, because of him that hath loved us. [38] For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor might, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:37).

Published on March 28th, 2020.

New Plenary Indulgence Available During Pandemic

Via The Missive:

The Apostolic Penitentiary just released new directives for a plenary indulgence that you can gain during this time of the coronavirus pandemic (N.B. this is a translation from the original Italian):

A Plenary Indulgence is granted to the faithful affected by coronavirus, or subjected to quarantine by order of the health authority in hospitals or in their own homes if, with a soul detached from any sin, they spiritually unite through the media to the celebration of the Holy Mass, the recitation of the Holy Rosary, the pious practice of the Via Crucis or other forms of devotion, or if at least they will recite the Creed, the Our Father, and a pious invocation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, offering this proof in a spirit of faith in God and charity towards our brothers and sisters, with the will to fulfill the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer according to the intentions of the Holy Father), as soon as it is possible for them.

Furthermore, the Apostolic Penitentiary willingly grants a Plenary Indulgence under the same conditions on the occasion of the current world epidemic, even to those faithful who offer a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, or Eucharistic adoration, or the reading of the Holy Scriptures for at least half an hour, or the recitation of the Holy Rosary, or the pious exercise of the Via Crucis, or the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, to implore from Almighty God the cessation of the epidemic, relief for those who are afflicted, and the eternal salvation of the many whom the Lord has called to himself.

One way you can unite yourself spiritually to the Holy Mass is through our online apostolate, LiveMass, which livestreams the Holy Mass daily from several of our locations.

Published on March 21st, 2020.

Tithing - Online or by Mail

As a number of parishoners have inquired, for those who are still able to do so at this time, Corpus Christi Chapel members are reminded that they can schedule their giving online or likewise mail in their giving envelopes to: 

Corpus Christi Chapel
7775 Vanderbilt Beach Rd
Naples, FL 34120

With less expenses during this time almost all donations will go toward the building fund for our future parish home.
God reward you and keep you safe

Published on March 21st, 2020.

All things work unto good for those who love God


Dear Corpus Christi Chapel parishioners,

At the end of this letter follows the most recent instructions from our Bishop, Frank Dewane, suspending regularly scheduled masses from this Friday, March 20th, until after Easter.

The decision is obviously hard for us, but one taken for avoiding spreading contagions during this time. It is thus a question of a prudential decision seeking the common good. Although one might disagree with the measure or estimation of risks involved, as a society such decisions correspond to the public authorities, both civil and ecclesiastical in their proper sphere. It is thus beyond our control as individuals, and we must seek the will of God who by His divine providence directs all things whether causing or permitting them, knowing that “all things work unto good for those who love God.”

As the Bishop mentions, we should fortify ourselves with Spiritual Communion and Prayer. I again remind you of the daily transmission of Mass from many of our FSSP run apostolates, including our parish church in Sarasota at One can also find the texts of daily mass there for one’s meditation. Likewise our sermons over the past 2 years are available on our website if one wishes to review the instruction given on the occasion of previous Sunday masses. Thus we see no need to transmit our private masses as we don’t have our own church, but will be offering up our private masses for the publicly scheduled intentions.

Again as we don’t have our own church, our pastoral ministry will be limited for the time being to any private requests for the sacraments for those who are most in need. We are not able to schedule any such events where a large number of people would thus gather, according to the same prudential guidelines being taken at this time.

Let us remember the words of our Lord to St. Paul amidst his difficult trial- “My grace is sufficient for thee, for virtue is made perfect in weakness.” Although the sacraments are a most efficacious source of grace, they are not the only means. The practice of virtues and prayer likewise cause the soul to grow in grace. This is what we have been studying in the course on the science of sanctity in our adult catechesis this year. You can catch up on the classes via the video links at or audio at The great work they are based on- The Theology of Christian Perfection, by Fr. Royo Marin, is also available here.

Recall that we never have an excuse to sin, as God’s grace is sufficient for us in every moment to not only avoid sin but to grow in grace. By sanctifying grace the Most Holy Trinity dwells in our soul as our intimate friend, whose presence we can enjoy and adore at every moment and grow in union with Him. Who would say that the presence of God in the soul is not sufficient for them? “You are of God, little children…greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4.4). In Him we have the victory over the world the flesh and the devil. I very much recommend the work of Fr. Raul Plus entitled “God within us” (audio here) to more deeply know and appreciate this central reality of the Christian life. Holy Communion, as a sacrament, is a means so as to increase this intimate communion within our soul, in which we should continually advance. God, St. Thomas reminds us, is not limited by the sacraments in the distribution of grace- The Roman Catechism teaches us- "The shepherds of souls should teach their flock that there is not one manner only of receiving the admirable fruits of the sacrament of the Eucharist, but that there are two: sacramental communion and spiritual communion." And spiritual writers comment, "It is, by itself," says Father Faber, " one of the greatest powers of the world." "By it," writes St. Leonard of Port-Maurice, " many souls have attained a high perfection." Jesus wishes to enter your heart every day by sacramental communion; yet even that does not suffice Him; He would come again and again, without ceasing. This divine desire is realized by spiritual communion. "Every time thou desirest Me," He said to St. Mechtilde, "thou dost draw Me to thee. A desire, a sigh, is enough to make thee possess Me." Our Lord charged St. Margaret of Cortona to remind a monk of the word of St. Augustine: "Believe, and thou wilt have eaten;" that is to say, make an act of faith and desire towards the Eucharist, and you will be nourished by that divine food.

There are saints, like St. Anthony of the desert, who were exceptionally permitted to live apart from others as hermits without receiving even the sacraments frequently in favor of seeking a more perfect life by living more intensely dedicated to prayer in solitude and the practice of the evangelical counsels. There are also heroic examples of entire countries persevering in the faith when they were left without priests for many years. (Article here)

It is likewise important to reflect on the spirit of the early Christians who debated whether one who converted and was baptized as an adult could receive a second forgiveness, as it was unthinkable to them that one could voluntarily betray such an infinitely good and loving Lord, whom they had consciously pledged their life too. It is a time for us to reflect on how grateful we should be for the sacraments when we can receive them, and how often we have abused them by not receiving them as a means to grow in grace, but as an excuse to avoid that commitment thinking that we can be forgiven without a true purpose of amendment to sin no more and avoid the near occasions of sin, to do penance and to amend our lives. And let us recall that an act of contrition made with the perfect motive of sorrow for having offended God whom we love above all things can restore grace to our soul.

I thus recommend that you redouble your efforts to pray and do penance in this holy season of Lent, by establishing your plan of life- daily resolutions, prayer, rosary, spiritual reading, acts of contrition, spiritual communions, in this time in which we will live like Our Lord in the desert in greater solitude. We will have our last public mass today on the feast of St. Joseph, who had to take the Holy Family away from the Temple, where God dwelt with His people, and flee to a pagan land in Egypt to protect the life of the Child Jesus. Let us imitate him and entrust ourselves to Him, that although away from the temple of the Lord, we might grow in grace as he and the Virgin Mary did by their intense love for Jesus, who is present in our soul by sanctifying grace.

“My grace is sufficient for thee,” “and all things work unto good for those who love God.”

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of need or counsel and please check our website for any forthcoming announcements.

In His loving unfailing providence,

Frs. Romanoski & Passo FSSP

By St. Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri

MY Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and I desire Thee in my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though Thou wert already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee. Amen.

March 18 Letter from Bishop Dewane

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

My prayer for you and your family is that you will be kept safe from all harm. With the strength that comes from God, I encourage you to support your neighbors and friends with the Hope that is ours in Jesus Christ.  Together, we face the threat posed by the COVID-19 outbreak - a crisis that is unprecedented in our lifetime.  Still, there is a need to remain flexible and adapt to circumstances, following, as best we can, the guidance of public health officials.

Guidelines have been established that call for further limiting of public gatherings. Therefore, out of pastoral concern for all, and after prayer and discernment, as well as hearing from the priests and the Faithful, I announce that the regularly scheduled Masses and other Liturgical events in Parish Churches in the Diocese of Venice will be suspended from March 20, 2020 until after Easter, when the situation can be re-evaluated. Visitation to Churches to pray is also suspended. Therefore, the Faithful and visitors to the Diocese are dispensed from any obligation to attend Mass during this period. 

This is acknowledged as a sacrifice for the Catholic Faithful, who have a great love for the Holy Eucharist and depend on the Most Blessed Sacrament for their spiritual lives.  Do recall that Faithful Catholics, throughout the history of the Church, have kept the faith alive through trying times. By prayer and devotion, as well as spiritual solidarity with each other, the life of faith continued to be a source of strength and perseverance during persecutions and other times of public crisis. Tomorrow, on the Feast of St. Joseph, I will dedicate the Diocese of Venice to the care of the Foster Father of Jesus.  Let us be united in prayer to St. Joseph for his intercession and protection.

Our Priests have been asked to draw upon the Church's rich tradition of prayer and devotion to ensure that the spiritual life of parishioners is nourished and remains vibrant through means which are prudently adapted to the current circumstances. Our Diocesan website has a list of opportunities to view the celebration of the Holy Mass.  Parish websites will also provide other helpful suggestions for how to promote prayerfulness and spiritual communion.

Priests, together with the Catholic Faithful, are asked to make prudent decisions about Weddings and Funerals while observing guidance to limit gatherings. Baptisms will only be celebrated in cases of emergency. The Anointing of the Sick ought to be requested only in genuine need for the dying. Priests are to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves and the Faithful when administering the Sacraments to the Sick (i.e. the use of isolation gowns, masks and gloves, as well as following the guidelines of medical professionals). All Confirmations prior to Easter have been postponed, along with penance services. Parish and social events, as well as ministry gatherings, are also suspended. Parishioners, in the event of emergency situations, are invited to communicate with a Priest, Deacon or available staff by phone, or by email.

As your Bishop, I am always edified and grateful for the generosity of the Faithful, particularly at difficult times. Of course, you must consider your own circumstances and how the Coronavirus outbreak has impacted your family. However, it is also necessary to provide for the ministry of the Church, as well as continue to serve the poor and the vulnerable though Catholic Charites.  The Catholic Faithful are humbly asked to continue their generous support for our Parishes, Schools, Catholic Charities and the Diocese.

My dear Faithful, be confident that Christ is with us always and that the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph are interceding for us. Take courage and trust in God during this time of many challenges.

Sincerely yours in Christ.

+ Frank J. Dewane
Bishop of the Diocese of
Venice in Florida

Published on March 19th, 2020.

Blessing of Bread in honor of St. Joseph

This Thursday, March 19th, Feast of St. Joseph, we will bless bread and pastries after Mass, in honor of St. Joseph, a catholic custom from Italy and thus very popular in our diocese of Venice. Click here to read more about these customs.

Published on March 14th, 2020.

Parish masses, events, groups, temporarily postponed until after Easter

By order of the Bishop, parish masses and events should be temporarily suspended until after Easter. This includes:

◆ Ice Skating March 17 (postponed till later date, if one is in need of a refund, please let us know, otherwise one is paid for the next future rescheduled outing. Date to be determined)
◆ Potluck, March 22
◆ Young Adults' Group March 18
◆ Ladies' Group March 24
◆ Children's and Preschool choir  (a discount will be added to next semesters registration)
◆ Maidens of Mary  

◆ Acolyte practices   
◆ Confirmation Prep (audios and reading assignments will be sent out in the meantime)
◆ Legion of Mary
◆ Adult Catechesis
◆ Spanish Catechesis


Please visit our website at for updates.

Published on March 7th, 2020.

Confraternity of St. Peter 5 day silent retreats in August (California)

WHAT: Two silent 5 day Confraternity of St. Peter Retreats
FOR WHOM: Ladies- August 9-14, 2020; Men- August 16-21, 2020
WHERE: At the Mater Dolorosa Passionist Retreat Center in Sierra Madre, California (foot hills of the San Gabriel Mountains on the southern edge of the Angeles National Forest- 700 N Sunnyside Ave, Sierra Madre, CA 91024)
BY WHOM: Retreat Master: Fr. James Fryar FSSP
COST: $800 (single room, private bath, all meals provided)
CONTACT: Jo Anne Pulley [email protected]

N.B. Transportation to and from airport not provided. The retreat house is 35 miles north of LAX, and west of Ontario Airport; and 21 miles from Burbank Airport  

Published on March 7th, 2020.

Corpus Christi Summer 2020 Camp- Save the Date- June 8-12

Save the date for this summer's youth (age 7-15) camp- June 8-12. More details and links to register in next week's bulletin. 

Published on February 29th, 2020.

Rosary Rally Crusade- Saturday March 21st

  Join us for a nationwide Rosary Crusade, to publicly bolster God's Marriage, and to oppose the public sin of legalized same- sex "marriage."    

Saturday March 21st, 12pm-1pm, Immokalee and Juliet Blvd (by Walmart).

Published on February 29th, 2020.

Schedule of March Corpus Christi Activities


  -Prayer Vigil for Life 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Planned Parenthood, Goodlette Rd, Naples)
2, 9, 16, 23, 30
  -Spanish Catechesis 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM (Bridesroom, St. Agnes, Chapel)
2, 9, 16, 23, 30  


  -Legion of Mary 3:30-5:00 PM (Bridesroom, St. Agnes, Chapel)
3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Saturdays:  (Royal Palm Academy

  -All Youth Choirs 9:00am - 9:45am 
7, 14, 21, 28

  -Adult Catechism 9:00am -10:30am (Spirituality 9:00 - 9:45; Latin 9:45 - 10:30) 
7, 14, 21, 28  

  -Maidens of Mary 9:45am-11:15am 
7, 21  

  -Acolytes 9:45am - 11:15am (for specific groups invited by Fr. Passo)
7, 21

Published on February 29th, 2020.
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