Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:
The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.
Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)
Current Announcements
Stations of the Cross after Friday Masses in Lent
Accompany our Lord along his Way of the Cross every Friday in Lent after the 5:15PM Mass at St. Agnes, beginning this Friday, February 28th. Booklets will be provided, for sale, and may be downloaded here as a PDF: Stations of the Cross according to St. Alphonsus Liguori. A plenary indulgence, under the normal conditions, can be gained by this holy exercise where Stations are properly erected.
Liturgcal Year Meditations
Follow the great meditations on Lent and the Liturgical Year by the Servant of God, Dom Prosper Gueranger OSB by signing up for email updates from our FSSP Atlanta apostolate.
Fasting and Abstinence laws
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics (Abstinence from meat for those over 14 yrs of age; Fasting for those 18-60). In addition, all Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence. See further details at:
Naples Prayer Walk for Life with Bishop Dewane
Accompany our Bishop Frank Dewane on Ash Wednesday, February 26, at Planned Parenthood Naples, from 9am-10am. This event marks the beginning of the Spring 40 Days for Life Campaign.
Ash Wednesday- Special Mass Times
For Ash Wednesday, though not a Holy Day of Obligation, we will have the Holy Day schedule of Mass times:
St. Agnes, Naples- 7:00am (low), 5:30pm (high)
Resurrection, Fort Myers- 12:00pm (low)
Ashes will be distributed after all masses.
40 Days of Lent, 40 days for Life
The 40 Days for Life Campaign
begins Ash Wednesday and coincides with the 40 days of Lent, as we pray together for an end of the terrible crime of abortion which takes place in our area at Planned Parenthood in Naples
(Goodlette and Creech Rd.)
Our Chapel’s day
for prayer is Wednesday, April 1. Please sign up
for an hour between 9 AM and 4 PM at At least
two people per hour are suggested; more than
two are highly recommended. Please note: If
you cannot commit to a whole hour, please feel
free to stop by Planned Parenthood anytime
during the day to offer prayers for the end of
abortion, and for its innocent victims, as well
as for their parents, and its practitioners.
Questions may be directed to Joy Behe at 919-
Chair of St. Peter- Plenary Indulgence
A plenary indulgence, under the normal conditions, is granted to all members of the Confraternity of St. Peter on the feast of the Chair of St. Peter – February 22nd. The Confraternity of St. Peter is a sodality of members who wish to unite themselves to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and aid in the work of our Fraternity, primarily by their prayers. You can learn more and enroll yourself at:
Ice Skating Outing- March 17th, Feast of St. Patrick
Corpus Christi youth and families are invited to celebrate the feast of St. Patrick with an ice skating outing at Hertz Arena, 11000 Everblades Parkway, Estero, on Tuesday, March 17th at 3:00- 4:15PM. We'll meet beforehand for a picnic lunch from 1:00 to 2:30 at Estero Park, 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd, Estero. Please bring your own lunch. A discounted rate of $7/person has been secured based on the number attending. Payment can be made to Linette Rubino after Mass at St. Agnes, to Maribel Herrera after mass at Resurrection in Fort Myers or to Maureen Leung in Ave Maria, 5204 Assisi Ave. Checks can be made payable to Corpus Christi Chapel, earmarked for "Ice Skating," or if payment is submitted online, please notify the coordinators after payment is completed.
Deadline for payment is Sunday, March 1st.
Men's Group meets this Wednesday
The Men's' Group will meet this Wednesday, February 12th at the usual time and place. Fr. Romanoski will give a talk on the Sacred Scriptures and the heresy of Modernism. Bring a snack or drink and invite a friend. Subscribe to the email lists for more information on time and location.
Confirmation Preparation Classes
Preparatory classes will be given for all confirmandi at Royal Palm Academy at 9 AM
February 22 & 29; March 14 & 28; April 25;
May 9 (practice at St. Agnes)- Time TBD