Corpus Christi Chapel

Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:

The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.

Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)

Sign up for Chapel Emails

Current Announcements

Public Rosary for our country

On Saturday, Oct 31 - 10am to 11am - at the east side of U.S. 41 at the corner of Pine Ridge Rd, a public recitation of the rosary for the conversion and sanctification of our country will take place. All are welcome to join. It is being organized by lay catholics in the area wishing to call down God's blessings on our country and the upcoming elections by the Most Holy Rosary. 

Published on October 24th, 2020.

Feast of Christ the King- Litany and Consecration to Sacred Heart before Our Eucharistic King after 845am Mass

  This Sunday is the feast of Christ the King, patronal feast of our parish in Sarasota to which our Corpus Christi Mission pertains. The Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart will be recited after all masses, and will be done with Exposition and Benediction after the 845am sung mass. 
Learn more at

Published on October 24th, 2020.

Young Adult Book Study- The Confessions of St. Augustine (UPDATED)- Meeting this Monday, 10.26 at St. Agnes

Young adults (18-39) from various parishes in the area will be joining together for a book study of the Confessions of St. Augustine. Fr. Dorsa and Fr. Romanoski have been invited to give one of the expositions each month. "Take and read!" 

7pm - 8pm     
No RSVP is necessary. Facemasks should be worn, unless one is eating or drinking. 

October Book 5-7
a. 10/5-Book 5-Our Lady of Light
c. 10/19-Book 7-Ch.1-10-Our Lady of Light
d. 10/26-Book 7-Ch. 11-21-St. Agnes- FSSP Priests-guest speaker 

November Book 8-10
a. 11/2-Book 8-St. Agnes
b. 11/9-Book 9-Our Lady of Light
c. 11/16-Book 10-Ch.1-14-Our Lady of Light-FSSP Priests-guest speaker
d. 11/23-Book 10-Ch. 15-30-Our Lady of Light
e. 11/30-Book 10-Ch. 31-43-St. Agnes 

December Book 11-13
a. 12/7-Book 11-Our Lady of Light
b. 12/14-Book 12-St. Agnes-FSSP Priests-guest speaker
c. 12/21--Book 13-Our Lady of Light

One can also join virtually by ZOOM at
Meeting ID-714 5083 5752
PW-  2ta5Ke       

Sign up to receive more information about other Corpus Christi Young Adult activities.                                                                                                                                                  

Published on October 22nd, 2020.

The Confraternity of St. Peter

This Sunday, October 18, is the 32nd anniversary of the founding of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. We thank God for all the graces received and especially for such supportive faithful.
Special graces and indulgences are received by those who join our Confraternity of St. Peter, which is a sodality of members who wish to unite themselves to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and aid in the work of our Fraternity, primarily by their prayers. You can learn more and enroll yourself at:

Published on October 17th, 2020.

World Mission Sunday- Propagation of the Faith

Sunday, October 18th, is World Mission Sunday, in which an extra collect is added "pro fidei propagatione" for the propagation of the Catholic Faith throughout the world, without which it is impossible to please God (Hebr 11.6), and go to heaven (Mk 16.16). 
Please remember this intention in your prayers at mass and in this month dedicated to the Holy Rosary. 
For those who would like to donate to the mission work of the diocese of Venice, which helps missions on a local and international level, one can deposit a check made out to Corpus Christi Chapel in the normal Sunday collection  whether at mass or by mail, earmarked for "Mission Sunday" and it will be forwarded to the diocesan office for the said purpose. 

Published on October 17th, 2020.

Fr. Dorsa away Oct 19-27; Tonsure of our second-year seminarians

Fr. Dorsa will be away from October 19-27 to make his canonical retreat and to attend the conferral of Tonsure, this coming Saturday (Oct 24, 11am) on our second year seminarians, which include our local vocations- Jose Fernandez and Danny Battis. Please pray for Father's retreat, and for the seminarians who will receive the cassock for the first time as tonsured clerics. The ceremony can be viewed via livestream here
As there will be one priest present at masses during this time, confessions will only be heard before masses, sometimes afterwards if time allows, and by appointment. 

Published on October 17th, 2020.

Sunday Mass dispensation extended through Jan 3

His Excellency, The Most Rev. Frank Dewane, Bishop of the Diocese of Venice, FL, in his most recent decree (11.20.20) has extended the dispensation of attending Sunday and Holyday Masses through the new year. Present restrictions of spacing, face masks, etc. remain in force. Nevertheless, now in this advanced phase of reopening, His Excellency encourages those who can and who are not at risk to attend mass regularly. Please continue to signup in advance only for the 845am Sunday Mass per the instructions in the previous announcement

Published on October 10th, 2020.

Rosary Rallies for our country

Next weekend two distinct rosary rallies are being held 

Saturday, Oct 10th from 10am to 11am, at the north-east corner of Pine Ridge and 41 in Naples, organized by the Solidarity Rosary Walk

Sunday, Oct 11th, from 3pm to 4pm at St. Agnes Catholic Church, before the Blessed Sacrament (in the main church, led by Fr. Kris) organized by Rosary Coast to Coast 

Both Rosary Rallies are being offered for the triumph of good and the vanquisihing of evil in our country so much in need or prayer. 

This Wednesday, Oct 7, is the Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, and we will have a Sung Mass at 515pm. 

All are invited to attend these powerful, prayerful events. 

Published on October 3rd, 2020.

Adoration times still to be filled to restore perpetual adoration at St. Agnes

Per the previous announcement, regarding the resumption of adoration at St. Agnes, during the day from 9am-345pm, the proximate goal is to reestablish nightly adoration on Monday to Saturda (which will take place in the little adoration chapel of the Church). The following times must still be filled to be able to extend it perpetually: 

Wednesday: 4am-5am
Thursday: 12am-1am
Friday: 1am-2am
Saturday: 12am-1am, 4am-5am  

If one is able to habitually cover one of these hours please sign up on the St. Agnes website. The date of comencement of the evening-night hours will be announced after the slots are filled. 

Published on October 3rd, 2020.

Corpus Christi Chapel Cantor off to Carmelite Convent- Open House; Update

One of our dear cantors, Miss Katie Walton, will be entering the traditional Carmel of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in Post Falls, Idaho on October 15th. Let us keep her in our prayers as she takes this first step toward becoming a bride of Christ in the footsteps of St. Theresa of Avila. She assures us that our community will always remain in her prayers. She and her roommates will host an informal open house for those who would like to say good bye and wish her well on  Sunday, October 4th from 11am to 4pm (1630 Nottingham Dr., Naples). Feel free to stop by at any time to have a bite to eat, drink, and leave prayer intentions for her as well. If any want to bring any snacks or drinks to share they are most welcome. 

(UPDATE 10.3) The previous request to help with any debts she had has been met and the car has been sold. She will keep her benefactors especially in her prayers. May God reward their charity. Since Katie must be free of debts and possessions to enter, she would be most grateful for any charity to help pay off the last portion of her college loans. She is also hoping to sell her car (a 2015 Corolla) to a friend rather than a dealership. Since she does not hope to make profit on the sale, the price would be dependent on what is needed to pay off the last of her debts (around 7-8k at this point). Any money she might receive over and above her debt will be donated to CCC's building fund. If you wish to contact her she can be reached at [email protected] or visit 

Published on September 26th, 2020.
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