Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:
The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.
Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)
Current Announcements
January 22: Day of Penance in Reparation for Abortion
January 22nd, as decreed by the Bishops of the United States is a day of penance in reparation for the legalization of abortion. The type of penance is left to the election of each individual. A votive Mass of Peace will be offered that the slaughter of the innocents in our land may end.
Perpetual Adoration at St. Agnes
Perpetual adoration has begun at St.
Agnes Church. Sign up for your preferred weekly time. An initial "test run" goes from Wednesday 9am through Friday at 9pm, and hopefully will grow
to cover all 7 days of the week. Sign up by email at [email protected]
Second Collection on Jan. 27 for Evangelizatoin Materials
For those who would like to participate in the graces of announcing the good news to the ends of the earth, and perhaps cannot participate in the apostolate of the Legion of Mary, please consider donating to help purchase evangelization materials (miraculous medals, penny catechisms, etc) for our Legion of Mary group.
December 2018 Giving Report
The following are the total amounts donated in December to support our chapel today, and build our permanent home for tomorrow.
Offertory Collection: $23,060.69
Building: $8,300.00
Total: $31,360.69
Family Ice Skating at Hertz Arena
Maidens of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and their families will be going ice skating at Hertz Arena on February 6th at 2:15 - 3:15PM. All CCC members and families are welcome to join them and invite friends.
A discounted rate of $6.25/person has been secured based on the number attending. Any balance collected will be reserved for the Maidens and next Youth activity.
Linette Rubino will collect funds after Mass. We will select suitable music for this private session for families. Deadline for payment is Sunday, January 12th after 8:45 Mass.
Envelopes, Get your Envelopes
Boxes of offering envelopes can be found at the back of the chapel. For those who are registered or active members of our community, there should be a personalized box with your names, and envelope number. Please take yours home and use the envelopes for any offerings made by cash or check as they help streamline processing. If you are unable to find a personalized box, please take one of the blank sets, and email [email protected] so we can ensure you're registered & assigned an envelope number.
9 Days for Life
January 14 to January 22 - 9 Days for Life - How do we live out the message of Christmas in the new year, rather than pack it away with the ornaments? The U. S. Catholic Bishops invite you to join thousands of Catholics nationwide for the 9 Days of Prayer for Life Novena from January 14 to January 22. You can join via e-mail, text or mobile app and receive daily messages with a new intention and link to one-page prayer & action guides. For further information, please contact Jeanne Berdeaux at [email protected] or 941-374-1068.
January Men's, Ladies' and Young Adults' Groups
Fr. Romanoski will give talks for the Men's, Ladies', and Young Adults' Groups this month on The Grace of God. The Men’s group will be held Wednesday Jan. 16th, and the Ladies’ on the following Tuesday Jan. 22nd. Join the respective email lists for further details.
January Community Potluck
Join us for our January Community Potluck on Sunday, January 20th at Royal Palm Academy from 3-6PM. Bring food and a friend!
Fr. Romanoski on Retreat
Fr. Romanoski will be on retreat this week. He asks for your prayers and promises you his. Practical inquiries and concerns are to be addressed to Fr. Passo.