Corpus Christi Chapel

Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:

The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.

Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)

Sign up for Chapel Emails

Current Announcements

Weekly Highlights for April 5th to 13th

Friday, April 5th, first Friday devotions after both Masses.

Saturday, April 6th, first Saturday devotions after Mass

Saturday, April 6th, Choir for boys, and Man-Skills class (topic: woodworking taught by Chris DeBone)

Monday, April 8th, Low Mass at 8:30 a.m. and Sung Mass at 5:30pm, Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (transferred from March 25th).

Published on April 4th, 2024.

The St. Zélie Mother's Group will not meet this Saturday

Please note that there will be no meeting for the St. Zélie Mother's Group on April 6th.

Published on April 3rd, 2024.

Coffee and donuts at Corpus Christi Chapel on Sunday, April 7th.

Join us for coffee and donuts after the 9:30 a.m. mass this Sunday, April 7th at Corpus Christi Chapel. We invite you to bring your own food if desired.

Published on April 3rd, 2024.

Pray to Defeat Florida’s Abortion Amendment

The Florida Supreme Court heard oral arguments on February 7 and then convened privately to decide the fate of the Pro-Abortion Amendment, specifically whether or not the wording is misleading and should be blocked from inclusion on the November 2024 election ballot. By law they must release their opinion by April 1. 

Please pray that they make the right decision so that voters will not be misled into voting for this dangerous amendment. Florida does not need to have abortion enshrined in the constitution forever, preventing any laws that will protect women and their children. To learn more, go to

Published on March 29th, 2024.

Holy Week Mass Schedule

Palm Sunday, March 24th:

  • There will be no 7:30am Mass
  • There will be no 9:30am Mass
  • 8:00 a.m.: sung Mass with Procession at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples.
  • 12:30 p.m.: low Mass at Resurrection in Fort Myers.
  • 4:00 p.m.: low Mass at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples.

Monday, March 25th and Tuesday, March 26th: 

  • 8:30 a.m.: low Mass at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples

Wednesday, March 27th: 

  • 8:30 a.m.: low Mass at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples.
  • 5:30 p.m.: low Mass at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples.

Holy Thursday, March 28th: 

  •  5:30 pm: sung Mass at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples. Adoration will follow Mass until midnight.

Good Friday, March 29th:

  • 12:00 p.m.: Stations of the Cross at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples.
  • 3:00 p.m.: Mass of the Presanctified at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples.

Holy Saturday, March 30th:

  • 8:30 p.m.: the Easter Vigil at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples. This Mass fulfills your Sunday obligation. No, you don’t need to go to another Mass on Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday, March 31st:

  • There will be no 7:30am Mass
  • 9:30 a.m.: sung Mass at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples. 
  • 12:30 p.m.: low Mass at Resurrection in Fort Myers. 

*Nota Bene: During the Triduum (Holy Thursday to Easter Vigil inclusive) confessions will not be available. The ceremonies, set-up, rehearsals, and demands on the time of the priests during this time make hearing confessions a practical impossibility. Confessions will be available at the normal times Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please be sure to go to Confession during these times and before Holy Thursday. 

Published on March 21st, 2024.

The Sancta Felicitas Prayer Group will not meet this Sunday and will resume in April

The Sancta Felicitas Prayer Group is for young girls (15 and younger) following the 9:30am Sunday Mass. The girls pray together in church (about 10 minutes) including one decade of the rosary and a Marian hymn.

Published on March 20th, 2024.

Weekly Highlights for March 15th to 23rd

Friday, March 15th, Stations of the Cross will be prayed after the 5:30 pm Mass.

Saturday, March 16th at 12:00 pm the Confirmation test will take place at Corpus Christi Chapel in Naples.

Saturday, March 16th, at 9:30 am we will have our choir practice, Maiden's, Mom's Group, and Acolytes.

Sunday, March 17th, marks the beginning of Passiontide.

Tuesday, March 19th, we will celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph with two masses: 8:30 a.m. low mass and 5:30 p.m. high mass.

Friday, March 22nd, Stations of the Cross will be prayed after the 5:30 pm Mass.

Published on March 13th, 2024.

Join the St. Zélie Mother's Group of Corpus Christi. All mothers welcome

Mothers are invited to join the St. Zélie Mother’s Group of Corpus Christi, meeting Saturday March 16th at 9:30am in the St. James classroom. Lauren Solorzano will be speaking about making your house a home.

Under the Patronage of St. Zelie Martin, The Corpus Christi Mom's group, aims to build a community of women. With the guidance of our priests and the example and encouragement of our fellow mothers, our community seeks to cultivate spiritual growth as well as practical competence in the demands of family life. 

Our mission is to answer the dual call of wife and mother with unwavering faith, true humility, and lasting joy for the sanctification of our families.

Published on March 12th, 2024.

Opportunity for volunteers at the St. Zélie Mother's Group

St. Zélie Mother’s Group is looking for a few volunteers to supervise the playground on the first and third Saturdays of each month from 9:30am-11am, while the mothers meet. We need 6 Saturdays covered through May; we will not need volunteers during the summer months. Volunteers will need to have their fingerprints taken and Safe Environment Training completed through the diocese to be eligible to supervise children. Please contact Brian at [email protected] if you’d like to volunteer. 

Published on March 11th, 2024.

Weekly Highlights for March 8th to 16th

Friday, March 8th, Stations of the Cross will be prayed after the 5:30pm Mass.

Saturday, March 9th at 9:30am will be the last RCIA class before Easter.

Saturday, March 9th at 12pm will be the last Confirmation class. The class can be attended via Zoom or in-person.

Saturday, March 16th, at 9:30am we will have our choir practice, Maiden's, Mom's Group, and Acolytes.

Sunday, March 17th, marks the beginning of Passiontide.

Published on March 7th, 2024.
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