Corpus Christi Chapel

Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:

The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.

Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)

Sign up for Chapel Emails

Current Announcements

Items for Sale. Proceeds support the building Fund

Here's a list of products and their online prices:

  1. KitchenAid Dishwasher model #KDTE204KPS $849
  2. Whirlpool Washer model #WTW5000DW3 $500
  3. Whirlpool Gas Dryer model #WGD5000DW3 $479
  4. Whirlpool Microwave and oven combo model #KOCE500ESS09 $3,199
  5. KitchenAid vent hood model #KVUB600DSS $999
  6. KitchenAid Gas stovetop model #KCGS356ESS $1,439
  7. Laundry room sink $100

Anyone interested can contact Max Rathgeber at (941) 321-4898.   

Published on October 4th, 2023.

Pro-Life Speaker Event

Please save the date for the upcoming Pro-Life Speaker Event on October 12, 2023, from 6:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. This event will be hosted by Ave Maria Catholic Church and will focus on ways to change hearts and minds regarding abortion. The keynote speaker will be Scott Baier, CEO of Community Pregnancy Clinics Inc, who will present his 7-point strategy. This strategy highlights the importance of chastity education/SHARE, courage, and prayer in the fight for life. The event will take place at Ave Maria University's Prince Building in the O'Bryan Performance Hall.

Published on September 29th, 2023.

Help Wanted: Auto Mechanic

Christian's Auto Repair is looking for a mechanic for full time employment. Please call our office at 239-394-4862 for salary and other information.   

Published on September 21st, 2023.

Catechism Class on Saturday, September 23rd at 9am

On Saturday, September 23rd, we will have Catechism class taught by Fr. van Zee at 9am via Zoom. If you would like to participate and have not yet received the link, please request the link from Luisa at [email protected]. If you have already received the link, you can continue to use it for all upcoming classes. 

Published on September 20th, 2023.

Join the Confraternity of St. Peter

On Sunday October 22nd we will be having a ceremony of initiation of the members who have joined the Confraternity of St. Peter in the past year. Please consider joining the Confraternity and praying for the Fraternity of St. Peter. There are fliers on the back table at St. Agnes that explain the Confraternity of St. Peter as well as inscription forms. You can also click here for more information and click here to inscribe. 

Published on September 20th, 2023.

Thursday, September 21st Mass at 5pm

On Thursday, September 21st, we will have High Mass in honor of St. Matthew, the Apostle and Evangelist. Mass will begin at 5pm and not 5:15pm.

Published on September 14th, 2023.

No Group Activities on Saturday, September 16th

We will have to postpone our group activities again. There is a lot of work being done in the new Church and so we will hold off on our group activities. There will be no group activities this Saturday, September 16th. We hope to begin the first Saturday in October but that is not certain. Thank you for your patience and please continue to pray for our new Chapel!

Published on September 14th, 2023.

Corpus Christi Chapel Altar Servers

CCC will be starting the next year of our altar serving guild soon. Here are answers to some FAQs:

  • Who's eligible?
    • Any male who has received his First Holy Communion
  • How do I join?
    • Either:
      • Show up at the initial meeting, and all subsequent meetings
      • Or, if unable to attend the initial meeting, contact us at [email protected]
  • When & where are the meetings?
    • The guild will meet on the first and third Saturday mornings of each month at the new church location.
      • Meetings for the servers will run from 10:45 - 11:50 am, with an hour of sports following


We had hoped to have already started our meetings, but construction on the new church has held things up.

We are hoping to meet on the first Saturday in October, but (again) due to the construction, this is subject to change. Please stay tuned!

Published on September 14th, 2023.

Pro-Life News

Corpus Christi Coordinator/Respect Life Rep needed to be the parish liason for our pro-life ministry. Please contact Brian at [email protected] for more details.

40 Days for Life Naples – Now that Planned Parenthood in Naples is open 5 days a week and is doing pill abortions on Fridays, pro life advocates are gearing up for a fall 40 Days for Life campaign in Naples. The campaign runs from September 27 to November 5. Public witness and prayer is very much needed and effective.  Katrina Rodriguez from Ave Maria is serving as co-leader of the fall campaign in Naples, handling the Catholic outreach.  She moved to Ave on July 31 from Austin, Texas where she was a leader for the Central Texas Coalition and 40 Days for Life.  She can be reached at [email protected] or 512-876-0002. If you are interested in signing up online to cover an hour please visit Signs will be available for those who would like to hold one to let people know why they are there. Please see handout in vestibule for more details.

Sidewalk Advocates for Life Training – On October 28, the founder and president of Sidewalk Advocates for Life will be at St. John XXIII Parish Center in Fort Myers to train individuals interested in reaching out to abortion clients using Planned Parenthood in Naples and Fort Myers.  This is a “once in a lifetime” opportunity to be trained by the national leader of this outreach.  There is a great need for people willing to make a commitment to reaching out to women who think that abortion is their only option. Please see handout in vestibule for more details.

Published on September 13th, 2023.

RCIA Catechism Class on Saturday, September 9th at 9am

A reminder that the next RCIA catechism class will be this Saturday, September 9th at 9am via Zoom. Contact the office for the link. If you have received the link in the past, please continue to use the same one.

Published on September 6th, 2023.
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