Corpus Christi Chapel

Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:

The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.

Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)

Sign up for Chapel Emails

Current Announcements

Mass on Thursday, September 14th at 5pm

We will have a sung Mass at 5pm, not 5:15pm, on Thursday, September 14th for the second-class Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. 

Published on September 6th, 2023.

Volunteer Opportunity! 40 Days for Life

The 40 Days for Life organization is preparing for a fall campaign happening at Planned Parenthood in Naples. The campaign will take place from September 27 to November 5, and they are looking for a Church Coordinator to work alongside Katrina Rodriquez from Ave Maria, who is currently serving as the co-leader for the fall campaign. If you're interested in this opportunity, please get in touch with Brian by emailing him at [email protected]

Published on September 5th, 2023.

Everglades Native Designs is looking to hire new employees

The job would entail being outside all day, physical labor and having a driver's license. If interested, contact Eric S. Jadaszewski - Horticulturalist, Designer, Owner Everglades Native Designs LLC 2712 14th Ave SE Naples, Fl. 34117 (239) [email protected]

Published on September 4th, 2023.

Mass on Labor Day at 10am

Mass on Labor Day, Monday, September 4th, will be at 10am at St. Agnes and not at 5:15pm.

Published on August 30th, 2023.

New Secretary and Ministry Coordinator

We are happy to announce that Corpus Christi has recently acquired a new secretary, Luisa, who is available via email at [email protected] and our new ministry coordinator, Brian, who is available at [email protected]. Luisa will help with our communications and sacramental documentation. If you need a certificate for a sacrament received at Corpus Christi Chapel, please ask Luisa. Brian's role will be to coordinate all the groups, events, and spaces for our various activities. We are very happy to have them!

Published on August 30th, 2023.

All groups for this Saturday are canceled

All the groups (choir practice, the Maidens of Mary, altar servers, and our new man-skills class) have been canceled for this Saturday, September 2nd, as our new facilities are still under construction. We will be reporting the progress for the following Saturday.

Thanks for your understanding.

Published on August 29th, 2023.

Children's Schola Registration

Corpus Christi will be starting the children’s schola program for this year.  The boys’ and girls scholas will meet at the New Church Building on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month September to May.  The scholas will be directed by Miss Nicky Rutherford and Miss Katie Walton.

1st & 3rd Saturdays: 

  • 9:00 - 9:45am - Girls’ Scholas (ages 7+)
  • 9:45 - 10:30am - Boys’ Scholas (ages 7+)

The scholas learn a variety of sacred music including chant, hymns, and polyphony.  Younger singers focus on the basics of chant and singing, while older singers develop ensemble skills and prepare music to sing for special occasions several times a semester. 

If your child is interested in joining a schola and you have any questions, please contact Miss Rutherford at [email protected] for more information. 

There is a small registration fee per semester (Fall & Spring) so as to provide a stipend for our generous instructors for their wonderful service for your children and the whole community.  

1st child aged: $60 

2nd child: subtract $50

Family maximum: $110 per semester

Published on August 25th, 2023.

Weekly Highlights for August 27th to September 2nd

First Friday Masses and devotions on Friday September 1st. Masses will be at 4pm and 5:15pm at St. Agnes. Benediction will take place at 5pm and Sacred Heart devotions after each Mass.

First Saturday Mass at 6:45am at St. Agnes and devotions to the Immaculate Heart of Mary after Mass

Saturday, September 2nd man-skills class, children's schola, altar boys, and Maidens of Mary at the new Church at 9am.

Published on August 25th, 2023.

Man Skills Class

The man-skills program seeks to impart to all the skills that every man should have, e.g. knowledge of basic electrical work, plumbing, cars, fishing, wood-working, raising of livestock and crops, etc. The purpose is to help one another to acquire these fundamental manly skills that are often lost in modern America.

These classes will be taught by our own parishioners who have expertise in a given area.

Available to all males

Every first and third Saturday of the month at 9am.

We will be sending out an email soon (hopefully, sometime this week) with more information about how to sign-up to teach a skill. 

Published on August 19th, 2023.

Activities at New Church Location

On Saturday, September 2nd at 9am at our new Church location we will begin again with choir practice, the Maidens of Mary, altar servers, and our new man-skills class. These activities will be held every first and third Saturday of the month from September to May. These activities will no longer be held at Royal Palm Academy.

Published on August 18th, 2023.
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