Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:
The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.
Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)
Current Announcements
Octave of Easter Plenary Indulgence in honor of Divine Mercy
On the Octave of Easter, the Liturgy speaks to us in the Epistle (1 Jn 5) of the blood and water which flowed forth from the Savior's side and which is applied to us after our Baptism in the Sacrament and Confession, instituted in todays Gospel (Jn 20). In honor of God's mercy revealed to us on this day, a plenary indulgence, under the usual conditions, is granted to those who take part in the prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy, or who, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or in the tabernacle, recite the Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the Merciful Lord Jesus. If unable to get to church for the above, one may gain the same indulgence by reciting the aforesaid prayers before a devout image of Our Merciful Lord Jesus.
Easter Octave Potluck- April 28th
Join us for our monthly community Potluck, to share our Easter joy in the Risen Christ, this April 28th, Octave day of Easter from 3pm-6pm at Royal Palm Academy. Please bring something to share. Christ is risen. Alleluia!
REGISTRATION CLOSED: 2nd Annual Youth Summer Camp June 10th-14th
REGISTRATION CLOSED: This Summer from Monday, June 10th to Friday, June 14th, we will have our Second Annual Corpus Christi Summer Camp for Youth (ages 8 yrs - 18 yrs) -The Camp will take place each day at Royal Palm Academy from 10:45am - 3:30pm with Sacred Art projects; Instruction in Gregorian Chant; Catechetical Talks; Games, and more fun activities with our priests, guest seminarian and well qualified staff. Each day will end at St. Agnes chapel with Sung Vespers and Sung Mass, during the glorious Octave of Pentecost.
The camp is full and registration is now closed. Please offer prayers for our campers this week!
2019 Easter Message from Bishop Dewane
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Christ is risen! Alleluia! Go out and announce the Good News of the empty tomb, that is Our Lord's Resurrection! Rejoice in the message of the Easter Season! Put on the love and joy that is Christ and live it for all to see! Let us embrace the Risen Christ who comforts all throughout the world in times of difficulty! May you and your family have a Blessed and Happy Easter! +Bishop Frank J. Dewane
Easter Friday- No Penance Required
This Friday, abstinence from meat, which obliges every Friday of the year save solemnities (canon 1251), does not oblige as it is the Octave of Easter, the most solemn feast, which we celebrate for 8 consecutive days. Please join us at daily Mass to celebrate this glorious Octave.
Fr. Passo away this week
Fr. Passo will be away this week on vacation. Please pray he enjoys the time of rest and direct parish matters to Fr. Romanoski.
Welcome to FSSP seminarian
We welcome and thank seminarian Mr. Christian Hernandez FSSP, present to help us with the solemn Holy Week ceremonies. Please remember him in your prayers as he discerns and prepares for the Holy Priesthood.
No scheduled Confessions during the Triduum
Due to the solemn ceremonies of Holy Week which require three sacred ministers there will be no confessions during the Solemn Masses of the Triduum. Please plan on going to confession earlier in the week and to sin no more- ‘Tis the season.
Manage your recurring donations on-line
Please note that you can now personally manage your recurring donations- creating, pausing, adjusting or increasing them :) from our website.
Collections for the Triduum
A Collection will be taken on Holy Thursday to help cover all expenses for the solemn ceremonies of Holy Week. The Collection for Good Friday will be taken for the Holy Land, according to the instructions from our Bishop. And for those who attend the Holy Saturday Vigil, please note that this fulfills your Sunday obligation and the collection at the Vigil Mass will thus be part of the Easter Sunday collection.