Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:
The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.
Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)
Current Announcements
Join Mary's Legion
Help convert the world to the Catholic Faith, starting with your local area by joining our Legion of Mary group, which organizes evangelizing outreaches throughout southwest Florida. To learn more, come visit our group any Tuesday at 3:30pm-4:30pm in the Confession Room at St. Agnes or contact us at [email protected]. Auxilary members who may not be able to make the meetings are also needed.
Thanks from Seminarian Leonard FSSP
Dear Corpus Christi Faithful, Supporters, Friends and Students, Thank you so much for the warm welcome, kindness and generosity you have shown me during my short apostolate at Corpus Christi. Thank you especially for your prayers. I've learned and grown more than should be normally possible in those two weeeks, and feel inspired to pray harder, study harder and give whatever God has given me more generously back to Him. I will be praying for all of you. May Corpus Christi Mission find a great new home, and may you all become saints! Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mr. Jared Leonard FSSP
Our Patronal Feast of Corpus Christi
This Thursday is our Patronal Feast of Corpus Christi We will have a Sung Mass this Thursday at 5:15pm, but reserve the procession and benediction with the Blessed Sacrament for the external solemnity on Sunday, June 23 after the 8:45am Mass.
Mass intentions for the week of June 9-15
As the bulletin mistakenly repeated last week's intentions. The following are the correct inteentions for this week:
6/9/2019 7:15 AM Naples (St. Agnes) Stuart Alan Coley, at the request of Lynette Lobo
6/9/2019 8:45 AMNaples (St. Agnes) John Stutzman at the request of
Jay & Gina Stutzman
6/10/2019 5:15 PM Naples (St. Agnes) Kurt Sutton at the request of
Anne Green
6/11/2019 5:15 PM Naples (St. Agnes) Fr. Jonathan Romanoski at the request of
Lynette Lobo
6/12/2019 5:15 PM Naples (St. Agnes) Joseph Cotter at the request of Nicholas & Jessica Cotter
6/13/2019 5:15 PM Naples (St. Agnes) Lucia Simmons+ & the Simmons Family at the request of Anonymous
6/14/2019 5:15 PM Naples (St. Agnes) The Klein Family at the request of
Maria Fedoryka
6/15/2019 6:45 AM Naples (St. Agnes) Souls in Purgatory at the request of Maria Schoeman
Volunteers needed
As our community grows, we are in need of more men (as it involves some heavier physical work) to help set-up for our Sunday mass on Saturday afternoons at 4pm and take down after the Sunday 8:45am Mass. Please consider helping out. With more volunteers a convenient rotation can be established for all.
Please email [email protected] if able and willing.
God reward you for your service to Him and His Mystical Body, the Church.
Super Potluck this Sunday, June 16th
Join us for our annual Super-Potluck this June 16th, from 3pm-6pm at Royal Palm Academy to celebrate: our patronal feast of Corpus Christi this week, the close of our Pentecost Summer Camp, and to honor all our Fathers with a special cake and beverages worthy of a Dad. We will also bid farewell to our seminarian Mr. Jared Leonard FSSP, as he embarks on a mission to spread the Latin Mass in Asia, which he will tell us about. As we did last year for our Parish Festival, tacos will be provided as well as other sides and desserts. Feel free to bring any beverages or something other than tacos if you prefer. A donation can be made at the potluck to help cover such expenses.
A Week of Sacred Music
Come Holy Ghost and come all parishioners! Join us during this Octave of Pentecost and Chant Camp week, Monday thru Friday for Sung Vespers each day at 4:30pm, and a Sung Mass at 5:15pm. Follow Vespers in Latin and your preferred vernacular language at the website (selecting the 1960 rubrics). It can be downoladed as an application- "BreviariumMeum" on Apple devices.
Welcome Seminarian Leonard FSSP
We welcome seminarian Mr. Jared Leonard FSSP for his summer apostolate at Corpus Christi Chapel.
Fort Myers Sunday Mass Time- 12:15pm
With the change in the seasonal schedule of mass times, our Sunday Mass at Resurrection in Fort Myers, resumes it's 12:15pm Mass beginning June 2nd.
Ecce Sacerdos Magnus!
We welcome our dear High Priest- The Most Rev. Frank Dewane, Bishop of our diocese of Venice, FL to the 845am Mass of Corpus Christi Chapel today, after which he will confirm 12 new soldiers of Christ. A reception will take place after Confirmations in front of the main church of St. Agnes, from 11-12, with coffee and cake available to congratulate the newly confirmed, and to greet and thank His Excellency for coming to visit us. The formal way of greeting "His Excellency" the local Bishop, is to genuflect while kissing his ring, which ring symbolizes that he represents Christ the Bridegroom of the Church.