Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:
The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.
Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)
Current Announcements
Ascension Thursday
Although it is not a Holy Day of obligation in the diocese of Venice, all are encouraged to come to Mass on this Solemn Feast of Ascension Thursday at St. Agnes at 7:00 am or 5:30 pm.
Special Talk for Young Adults Group- How to discern one's vocation in life
A special talk will be given to the Young Adult's Group this week- Wednesday, May 22, by Fr. Passo on how to discern one's vocation in life.
New Maidens of Our Lady
After Mass this Monday from 6pm-7pm there will take place the Solemn Reception of new members of the Maidens of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, closing with Benediction. The votive Mass of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal- which is the insgnia the Maidens wear, will be celebrated at our normal 5:15pm Mass.
Group Talks for May- Our Lady's role in our Spiritual Life
Join our respective groups this month, and invite a friend, to learn more about Our Lady's role in our Spiritual Life, and to spend time in fellowship in this joyful paschal season.
Young Adults- Wednesday, May 22nd
Women's- Tuesday, May 28th (this month at a different location)
Men's- Wednesday, May 29th
Sign up to receive further details and access to recordings of previous talks
Safe Environment Training- June 5th
On Wednesday, June 5, 2019, 6:00-7:30 PM, St. Agnes will host in their Parish Hall, for all Corpus Christi members and others who wish to attend, a Safe Environment Training session, which assures that one is instructed properly in a Christ-centered, appropriate mode of conduct towards children and vulnerable adults and how to identify and avoid any contrary behavior. It is obligatory for all working our summer camp, adult acolytes and other volunteers who work with children or vulnerable adults in the diocese. Please visit our website for further instructions on how to sign up under the heading "Volunteers" or visit the diocesan website for further info and other available training sessions
Blessed Mother's Day May Crowning with Procession
This Sunday, May 12th, is Mother's Day, a day in which we should honor most of all our Most Blessed Mother, who has given us life in Christ, the fruit of Her womb. All are invited to bring flowers which will be placed in vases on a float with the statue of Our Lady, with which we will process after the 8:45 A.M. Mass and then crown with flowers.
Flowers may be brought in vases or loose and will be placed at the feet of Our Lady or on the float. As we cannot leave our arrangement in the chapel, one may take their flowers home afterwards and give them to their mother, the domestic image of the Blessed Mother.
Monday Mass at 4pm this week
Due to an event at St. Agnes Parish, our Monday Mass this week will be at 4pm.
Fort Myers Mass Time- 1:15pm as of May 5th
This Sunday, May 5th, we resume our 1:15pm Mass Time, at Resurrection Church in Fort Myers
Easter Octave Potluck- This Sunday, April 28th
Join us for our monthly Potluck today, April 28th, the Octave of Easter, at Royal Palm Academy, from 3pm-6pm, including an Easter Egg hunt for the children, and the traditional blessing of eggs, from our Roman Ritual, for those who would like to bring them. Eggs, which were traditionally not eaten during Lent, symbolize the risen Christ breaking forth from His tomb.
Please bring something to share. Christ is risen, Alleluia!
Saturday- 6:45am Mass time.
Saturday, May 4th, we return to our regular 6:45am Mass time at St. Agnes Chapel.