Corpus Christi Chapel

Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:

The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.

Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)

Sign up for Chapel Emails

Current Announcements

Adult Catechesis- Oct 30 instead of Nov 6

On Saturday Oct 30 (5th Saturday of this month) Fr. Romanoski will give the class on Ecclesiology from 9am-10am at Royal Palm. There will be no adult catechesis on Saturday, Nov 6. 

Acolytes, Maidens of Mary and Children's Choir will not meet Oct 30, but will meet on their normal Nov 6 (1st and 3rd Saturday of the month). 

Published on October 23rd, 2021.

New Registrations- Welcome

We now have an introductory presentation of the services offered by Corpus Christi Chapel which is received by email for those who register with our community. Those who have registered in the past can likewise read the intoductory presentation here.  

Published on October 22nd, 2021.

Adult Choir looking for new members

The adult schola is looking to grow its membership.  If you are interested in singing on Sundays with our schola, please e-mail Nicky Rutherford at [email protected] 

There will be weekly rehearsals on Mondays from 6:00pm - 6:45pm.  During rehearsals, the schola will prepare music for the upcoming Sunday.  These practices will primarily aid those who are less familiar with singing sacred music and will help them become more comfortable with singing in an ensemble.   

Singers with previous experience in chant/polyphony who are interested and able to sing more complicated music are also welcome.  In addition to Monday rehearsals, more advanced singers prepare extra music on their own during the week and rehearse together briefly before Mass.  If you are interested in preparing additional music on your own, please briefly describe your past experience in your e-mail.

Published on October 16th, 2021.

Update on Land

Just a note to all that we placed land under contract back in June, a prospective 20 acre piece in Bonita Springs, near I-75, for the future home of Corpus Christi. We have been performing studies of the land and weighing carefully the pros and cons of the said property, and have extended the due diligence period until December 2021 so as to continue with those evaluations and determine more precisely the cost of infrastructure and adjustment of easements on the property before we make a definitive decision. 

Please continue to pray to St. Joseph for the future home of Corpus Christi and direct your donations to our building fund to help make this a reality. 

Published on October 16th, 2021.

All Hallows Eve Community Potluck

October 31st is the Family All Saint's Eve party for Corpus Christi families at Royal Palm Academy gym from 5 pm to 8 pm offered as a safe and fun alternative to the typical trick-or-treating.

This event is for the entire family including teens.  Parents must attend with their children.   We will offer a potluck-style dinner, Saint games, non-candy prizes, fun, fellowship and more.   Older children will operate/moderate games for small children, plus have a special event and prizes just for them.   

RSVP by October 20 to Ann-Marie Altomare at [email protected]

Dress: All children under age 14 dress in a costume representing a Saint or biblical figure.  NO character costumes, such as fireman or police man. This is a family event, so please no "blood"  or"gore" Saint portrayals.  All children 14 and up and parents, may choose to come dressed in Sunday dress outfits, no shorts,  tank tops or short skirts will be allowed to enter.  Suggested donation $15 per family. 

A-G: Main Dish
H-N: Side or appetizer
O-Z: Dessert.

For more information or to RSVP - Please contact: Ann-Marie Altomare at [email protected]

Published on October 16th, 2021.

Men's Recreational Hockey Team

One of our parishioners announces the following: We still need a few more players to form a team! No hockey experience necessary.

I am excited to announce the (attempted) formation of the men's Corpus Christi Hockey Club! I am looking to establish a low tier team of like-minded Catholics to join the local rec league in Estero's Hertz Arena. I'm shooting for an entry time of the winter season (starting January 2022) at the earliest to give us realistic time to organize. No hockey experience necessary. I plan to start us in the lowest tier, so as long as you can stand on skates, you'll be fine.

Why hockey?

  • Best air-conditioning in all of sportsdom
  • burn between 500-800 calories per game
  • build solid Catholic brotherhood

Even though I don't plan on getting the team signed up until January at the earliest, please contact me ASAP if you're interested so we can start organizing. For men age 18 and up. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, gear, cost, or otherwise. Martin Krizan [email protected] 239-888-1225

Published on October 15th, 2021.

Save the Date: Register now for the annual St. Augustine Pilgrimage - January 14-16

Our Lady of La Leche Florida Pilgrimage 

January 14th – January 16th, 2022 

Join us for a three day pilgrimage to St. Augustine, FL to learn about your Catholic heritage and the Florida martyrs, and spend a nice time of fellowship with other like-minded Catholics.  

 We will: 

  • participate in the annual Florida March for Life
  • have Latin Mass offered every day
  • visit several Catholic sites, like the place where the first mass was offered on US soil. 
  • listen to great talks about the Catholic history of St. Augustine and the many native Florida Martyrs
  • and more!

For more information and to register contact Ruby Galatolo at (786) 554-1300 or email at [email protected]

Please contact Ruby if you are planning on going and attending our masses there, even if you are making private living arrangements as we need to have a count for total number of particpants at the masses. 

Published on October 14th, 2021.

Young Adults meet this coming Saturday- Fr. Adams

The Young Adults (18- Fr. Romanoski's age) will meet this Saturday, October 16 with Fr. Adams, hosted by Katy Allen. Please sign up for more details

Published on October 9th, 2021.

Weekly Highlights Oct 10-16

Sung masses on Monday, Oct 11 and Friday, Oct 15 in honor of the Divine Maternity and St. Theresa of Avila, respectively. 

Catequesis en español este lunes de 6 a 7

Saturday classes at Royal Palm Academy- Adult Catechesis (9-10), Maidens of Mary & Acolyte Guild (9-1130). 

Published on October 8th, 2021.

Weekly Highlights

Sung Masses on Oct 4 and 7 at 5:15pm, for the feasts of St. Francis, and Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. 

Adult convert classes (RCIA) and Confirmation supplementary prep on Saturday at 9am and 10am respectively via Zoom. Please check your email for those who have signed up. Any new adult converts may still sign up by sending and email to [email protected] "RCIA" for more details. 

Published on October 1st, 2021.
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