Stay Connected & Up-to-Date on our Email Lists:
The Bulletin: Each Friday morning we send an easily-readable digital version of the bulletin via email. Add yourself to the list and stay up-to-date as we establish our community.
Other Groups: Emails on an as-needed basis for those interested in Adult Catechesis, Women's Group, Men's Group, Young Adult groups, etc. (Usually about 2 per month.)
Current Announcements
Fr. Passo on Vacation
Fr. Passo will be on vacation this week from Monday through Saturday. Thus, the Confessions will be heard only before Mass, and not during, on these dates.
Mass Intentions: Now Listed Online
Mass intentions for every mass this year can now be found on our website. These are continuously updated, and will always accurately reflect the intentions for the public masses our priests offer. Masses for the next 7 days are displayed on the homepage, while all others may be found on the page at where members of our community are also invited to request masses for your own intentions.
2019 1st Quarter Report
The following are the total amounts donated in the first quarter of 2019 to support our chapel today, and build our permanent home for tomorrow.
City | Building Fund | Offertory | Grand Total |
Naples | $13,428.59 | $18,114.00 | $31,542.59 |
Ave Maria | $3,125.00 | $10,894.00 | $14,019.00 |
Bonita Springs | $575.00 | $12,455.06 | $13,030.06 |
Fort Myers | $1,220.00 | $3,290.00 | $4,510.00 |
Cape Coral | $1,272.00 | $2,465.00 | $3,737.00 |
Marco Island | $320.00 | $3,060.00 | $3,380.00 |
Estero | $1,001.35 | $1,001.35 | |
Lehigh Acres | $600.00 | $255.00 | $855.00 |
Tampa | $840.00 | $840.00 | |
Other | $735.00 | $735.00 | |
Grand Total | $20,540.59 | $53,109.41 | $73,650.00 |
Average Sunday & Holy Day Mass attendance for the first quarter of 2019:
St. Agnes, Naples: 286
Resurrection of our Lord, Ft. Myers: 97
Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, will be blessed and imposed after Mass in Her honor this Tuesday, July 16th, for all those who have never before received the imposition. For those who cannot receive it on Tuesday, please let the priests know on Sunday after Mass. Learn more about this gift from Our Lady of Mt. Camel at
Book Recommendation: God Within Us
A wonderful work which will change the way you view your Christian identity, opening your eyes to the kingdom of God within you.
Available to download here.
The most popular of all Father Raoul Plus' numerous books, and translated into a dozen languages, God Within Us explains in layman's language the ineffable mystery of God's presence within us through sanctifying grace and the indwelling of the Holy Trinity. It would be difficult to imagine anything in the supernatural life more concrete, and more striking, than the mystery of “God within Us.” It is this mystery which has been put forth with such lucidity, and in so convincing a manner, in this book. (Imprimatur 1924).
July Schedule of Events
Our Pro-Life (9am) and Spanish Catechesis (6pm-645pm) continue on Mondays through July as well as our Legion of Mary meeting on Tuesdays (330pm-430pm).
All other group activities (Choir, Acolytes, Maidens, Adult Catechesis, Men's, Women's and Young Adult's groups) will be on vacation this month of July.
Join Mary's Legion
Help convert the world to the Catholic Faith, starting with your local area by joining our Legion of Mary group, which organizes evangelizing outreaches throughout southwest Florida. To learn more, come visit our group any Tuesday at 3:30pm-4:30pm in the Confession Room at St. Agnes or contact us at [email protected]. Auxilary members who may not be able to make the meetings are also needed.
Thanks from Seminarian Leonard FSSP
Dear Corpus Christi Faithful, Supporters, Friends and Students, Thank you so much for the warm welcome, kindness and generosity you have shown me during my short apostolate at Corpus Christi. Thank you especially for your prayers. I've learned and grown more than should be normally possible in those two weeeks, and feel inspired to pray harder, study harder and give whatever God has given me more generously back to Him. I will be praying for all of you. May Corpus Christi Mission find a great new home, and may you all become saints! Yours in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mr. Jared Leonard FSSP
Our Patronal Feast of Corpus Christi
This Thursday is our Patronal Feast of Corpus Christi We will have a Sung Mass this Thursday at 5:15pm, but reserve the procession and benediction with the Blessed Sacrament for the external solemnity on Sunday, June 23 after the 8:45am Mass.
Mass intentions for the week of June 9-15
As the bulletin mistakenly repeated last week's intentions. The following are the correct inteentions for this week:
6/9/2019 7:15 AM Naples (St. Agnes) Stuart Alan Coley, at the request of Lynette Lobo
6/9/2019 8:45 AMNaples (St. Agnes) John Stutzman at the request of
Jay & Gina Stutzman
6/10/2019 5:15 PM Naples (St. Agnes) Kurt Sutton at the request of
Anne Green
6/11/2019 5:15 PM Naples (St. Agnes) Fr. Jonathan Romanoski at the request of
Lynette Lobo
6/12/2019 5:15 PM Naples (St. Agnes) Joseph Cotter at the request of Nicholas & Jessica Cotter
6/13/2019 5:15 PM Naples (St. Agnes) Lucia Simmons+ & the Simmons Family at the request of Anonymous
6/14/2019 5:15 PM Naples (St. Agnes) The Klein Family at the request of
Maria Fedoryka
6/15/2019 6:45 AM Naples (St. Agnes) Souls in Purgatory at the request of Maria Schoeman